Elizabeth called me on Thursday night with an elaborate speech planned out.
"Mom...what are you doing this weekend? Because I was thinking...you could come see me in Nashville...you know it's the weekend for the Flea Market at the Fairgrounds, and there's this great new place for cupcakes called Dulce that I've been dying to take you to...and we could go to the Frothy Monkey for lunch, they have the best sandwiches...and we could go shopping at Pangaea and Anthropologie...and OH, you can spend the night and we'll go to Cabana for dinner-You know that's the place that has those great appetizers called "Tennessee Sliders"-little sweet potato biscuits filled with smoked country ham and homemade peach preserves-I'll call some friends and make reservations-we'll have a girls night out. Come on mom...you need to get away...will you come?"
How could I say anything but YES!
I have just returned from a quick 36 hour whirlwind of a trip. We did everything on her list and more! I think I gained 3 pounds. Her friends were delightful, Nashville is one of the best cities EVER, and my daughter never fails to cheer me up. Did you know that when we are walking together, she always holds my hand? In public, in broad daylight...she holds my hand. I love that. So instead of feeling tired after my trip, I feel energized, renewed, alive, and loved.
It was just what I needed.
She knew that. She knows me...