One of my "resolutions" this year is to try to make a little time each day to be creative. 30 minutes a day, for guilt free happy play time. Its been a very long time since I have done this, and it feels great! I signed up for an online class by MARY ANN MOSS, called SKETCHBOOKERY, and I am trying my hand at watercolors, and quick 30 minute pages. Needless to say, I am not a watercolor artist, and it would take WAY longer than 30 minutes for me to create a masterpiece (ha). Being a bit of a perfectionist, I am pretty critical of my work. I am trying to let go, and enjoy the process, and LEARN from my practice and mistakes. Here is my first weeks work..quick 30 minute journal pages with inexpensive watercolors and a micron pen. In some cases, I have added my inspiration. The "2015" above was inspired by Pam Garrison. Day 2, below, was a 1968 Garden book...

Day 3, a dish from an estate sale...

day 4, a photo from Instagram...

day 5, a little rooster figurine...

day 6, an Andy Warhol postcard of Butterflies...

day 7, just playing with mixing paint colors from a set of tube watercolors...

So that's week one of my 30 minutes a day. More next week...