{ironstone platter $6.00, glass necklace $1.00, postcard 50cents}
Dear Nashville Flea Market,
I love you!
xo suzanne
{80 glass buttons $20.00}
Yes, it's true, i love the Nashville Flea Market! I spent the day there on Friday and gathered the usual treasures, at the usual great prices. I've listed prices here, just to give you an example. Never once did I ask someone to take less...I mean when it's $1.00, I feel like I'm stealing!
{postcards 50 cents-$1.00} {cabinet cards $1.00-$2.00}
{assorted dishes $1.00}
{shiny brites $1.00 a box, sequin trim & pink ruffle cap $1.00 each, rhinestone buttons $5.00}
{3 vintage hats $3.00-$15.00} {tiny squirrel planter $2.00}
{hankies $1.00 each} {embroidered linens 50 cents each}
{assorted odds and ends $1.00-$2.00}
{having my friend Kana meet me there for the day...priceless! }