It's been months since I've gone to the Lakewood Antiques Market...last summer before the wedding to be exact, so today I treated myself and went. It was a beautiful day, perfect for browsing and rummaging through booth after booth of vintage treasures! I found a few bargains, although I seem to always buy the same things...vintage ribbon, glass buttons, postcards with roses, rick rack, embroidered linens ($1.00 table)...
a baby shoe, a doll dress, a glass jar with rusted lid, a spool of pink thread, and 2 gold lipstick cases. I can't resist the cheerful crochet potholders...
vintage silk, velvet, and satin ribbon from my friend JoAnne...
and a perfect basket for deals of the day.
Here are some other things I saw along the way...loved the blue in Peg Davis's booth, Vintage Memories...
Oh yes, and I bought this mirror from Martha Thompson's booth Favorite Things...
These ladies are in Hall G, along with loads of other great sellers, and they will be there all weekend if you need a vintage fix...