This is why things take me forever. I was hanging the Christmas stockings, when I realized I needed a stocking for my new son-in-law, Paul. It needed to coordinate with the others, which I had made 2 decades ago out of velvet from a fabric shop in downtown Atlanta. So {naturally} I drove downtown to the same shop and bought fabric, and came home and sewed. Then I looked around my house for something "guy-ish" and manly to make the cuff on the top. You may not be surprised when I say that I don't have a lot of manly stuff around here! I decided I wanted to make the cuff out of an actual shirt cuff...actually perhaps a French cuff, and then use a wonderful old brass button as a cufflink. So I'm off to the thrift store to find the right shirt to re-purpose. After all, he is my one and only brand spanking new son-in-law. And he totally won't care, but I do. While I was at it, I sewed a stocking for Katie too. Wishful thinking! Then I'm baking cookies, because Christopher is coming home from college tomorrow...always my best gift :)