I had good intentions of blogging every day in February until Valentine's Day, showing you hearts from around the house. A pretty simple goal to meet, right? Well, my 83 year old father-in-law fell 3 weeks ago and broke 4 ribs, and began a medical downward spiral that currently has him in ICU on a respirator with Pneumonia. It's not looking good, but yesterday he squeezed my hands really tight when I was talking to him, and even blew me a kiss...so I remain hopeful. He wants to dance at Elizabeth's wedding :) Yes, technically he is my ex-father in law, but divorce does not end the love or respect you feel for someone after 33 years. He is the grandfather of my children, he is my family. So today I will go to the hospital again, and wear a mask and gloves and gown, and see how tight he can squeeze! Here are some of the hearts I meant to show you...
A tiny velvet pincushion found at the Nashville flea market...
heart shaped rocks found at the beach...
a heart necklace from Heather Kowalski...
a heart box from Andrea Singarella...
silver hearts...
sacred hearts...
hearts in art...
and my {sweet} heart, who came home last weekend to see his grandpa...
five minutes with this kid and my heavy heart is once again lifted!
Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day!
xo suzanne