Did you know that there are FOUR magazines just for weddings in Atlanta? I didn't. I am not one of those gals who just reads bridal magazines for the heck of it. I never wanted to "go there" and somehow start a wedding frenzy with my daughter. So now that she's engaged (and he wants to get married in August or September!), I am on a steep learning curve. I bought 8 wedding magazines at Borders on Monday. All of the lists that say..."here's what to do a year in advance"...have me panicked because we only have 8 months. It's stinks to feel behind before you even start! Yesterday she had the day off, and we planned for 8 hours! We decided on a date, time, theme, colors, made appointments to visit reception sites, and visited 3 churches. She made spread sheets of guest lists. And we looked at those magazines 100 times. Katie is here, and she is helping too. Christopher wants to disappear. All of those New Years resolutions I made about organizing and creating have been put on hold. The one about losing 10 pounds has now been edited to losing 20 :) Let the games begin...