My old dining room chairs are being put to good use around the house, they add a vintage touch and are good for holding things (they just were never good for holding people!)...
Don't worry, I'm not decorating for Valentine's quite yet...I just liked the colors together :)
In the dining room, another chair is holding a basket of old hats...
Hats I think I will take apart one day, but probably won't...
I'm ready to UNdecorate for Christmas, but I can't quite yet...Christopher's girlfriend Katie is flying in from New Orleans today to spend a week with us, so we are leaving it decorated till New Years. Then we'll pack it up for another year. Until then, I'm organizing the studio. Trust me, the mood to clean does not strike me often, so I have to work with it when it does! I'll call it an early New Years Resolution...but those 10 pounds are going to have to wait...