We buy Christmas ornaments all year long, but there are rules: they have to be old...and CHEAP. Never more than $1.00. It makes the hunt more interesting, and honestly we don't need any more, so it cuts down on buying. We usually find a few at every flea market, so by the end of the year we have a little stash. Here are some of my favorites from 2010. How shocking that they're all pink!
Elizabeth found this MOTHER one for me...and these with glittered roses and polka dots...
If you know me at all, you know I loved the cotton string and rusted hook just as much as the ornament...
oh, and this one too...
I wonder how many Christmas's these ornaments have seen?
And I found these for Elizabeth...she loves figurines...
The little angel with a bird is fitting because her nickname is "birdie"...
and the little angel with an "E" was part of a set that spelled NOEL, but a few letters were broken, so I was able just to buy the E, for Elizabeth. Still decorating around here, I'll take pictures when I'm done, but it's pretty much the same as last year. I started to say, how boring, but I'll just say, it's tradition. Yeah, tradition. I find comfort in that...