We both saw it. The perfect pincushion. To us, it was gleaming like a Faberge egg. All those pins sticking out in all directions...tangled bits of thread. We tried to be cool when asking the price...$2.00 the seller replied. We looked at each other with a knowing glance, and then the seller said..."do you want me to take those pins out for ya?". We gasped in unison (and shock). We created a momentary void in the Texas atmosphere. "NO" we both blurted out. Jinx. We talked the rest of the afternoon about how horrible it would have been if this pincushion had fallen into the wrong hands...if someone had removed the pins and started from scratch. To us, it was a little time capsule that had to be kept intact. We are strange like that. I love it when we're on the same page about a purchase.