I received a package on Saturday from my friend Karla Nathan and I just couldn’t open it. You see, it was so pretty, that I wanted to take a picture of it before opening. When I got out my camera, the battery was dead, so I stared at this lovely package for an hour while the battery charged! She wrapped it with vintage sheet music, a millinery flower, a scrap of old lace and velvet ribbon…gorgeous! Karla is one of those blog friends that I have had the pleasure of meeting in “real life”. Every year we attend the same art event and she makes me laugh until my face hurts! I won a giveaway on her blog and she sent me…
…a copy of her darling book “The Grumpy Fairy”. Karla wrote and illustrated this book for her granddaughter, and it is filled with the kind of love I hope I get to share with a grandchild one day :) Thanks Karla for my lovely gift within a gift!!