Is there something you that you say over and over to yourself…”I’ve always wanted to…” There are lots of things I say that about, and I am trying to DO rather than wish. One of the things I have always wanted to do, is volunteer at the High Museum of Art. I LOVE art museums and have worked at several over the years. The High Museum is an amazing place and it’s always been a goal of mine to work there someday. I applied last year, and Saturday was my first day of training…I was SO happy! After my training (and I met some really nice people and got out of my “box”), I toured the Leonardo di Vinci exhibit that is currently on display.
Drawings, paintings, sculpture…I was in awe, and so inspired. Maybe I need to start a “bucket list” of things I want to do. I have plenty of lists with things I NEED to do , or HAVE to do, but no list of WANT to do. Do you have a “want to do” list?