This time each year I make the same resolutions.
1. get organized
2. lose 10 pounds
3. start a journal
Well, the journal thing just might happen this year, and here’s why…
Teesha Moore has ALL of her journal instructions on YouTube videos! This is the first one.
I have wanted to make a journal forever, and have READ Teeshas instructions on her blog (because Pam Garrison recommended it on her blog), but never quite got the inspiration I needed. She has over a dozen videos on YouTube…
~ How to Make a Journal (2 videos)
~Layer 1: Paint
~Layer 2: Collage (4 videos)
~Lettering (2 videos)
~Penwork (4 videos)
She makes it all look so easy! Actually, for me, SEEING her demonstrate the process is so much more helpful that just reading instructions.
The kids and I have been sick with the flu since Christmas Eve, and I have spent HOURS in my jammies, sipping tea and watching these videos. Just thought I would pass along the info, in case someone out there has “start a journal” on their list of resolutions! I am inspired!
ps. you can view Teesha's journal pages and written instructions HERE.