I'm just going to come right out and say it : swaps stress me out. I over think every detail, and worry that they won't be good enough. This is for a Silver Bella swap I signed up for: an A-Z Artist Trading Card swap. I had the letter "B" and made 26 cards using a playing card as the base, and when we swap, we will all have a complete alphabet A-Z. It had to be black and white and one other color...I wanted to use pink, but I got this "bee" in my bonnet, that I wanted a bee on the card, and all I could think of was yellow/gold/sepia. I couldn't decide which "B"...
which paper, which shape, which ribbon...
this is what I ended up with...
I glued a page from a book as the base, and whitewashed it with paint. I used a torn piece of a dress pattern to cover the top half. I stamped on an upper and lower case {B}. I stamped a {B}ee onto vintage ledger paper and cut it out and glued it on. I added a {B}ow out of cream seam binding and B&W checked ribbon. I added a piece of {B}urlap, and a {B}utton. Hope it's not too {B}oring!
I mailed these out to the swap hostess and she is putting the whole alphabet together for each of us. I'll show you the complete A-Z after the swap next month!