My parents have been here for 8 days and we had a nice visit, but today they are gone and I'm scrambling, washing, grocery shopping...getting ready for part 2: Christopher & Katie & ??? coming home from school for the long weekend. His college (Alabama) is playing their first football game of the season this Saturday in Atlanta at the Georgia Dome. Lots of kids are coming over for the game, and I told him anyone and everyone was welcome to stay with us, so we'll see who shows up! All I can say is, I bought EVERY snack item in the grocery store that was buy-one-get-one-free this morning. What they don't eat, they can take back with them!
What do these pictures have to do with anything you might be asking? Well it's a little vignette I have on a shelf in the family room for Christopher and the University of Alabama. I do goofy things like this. The school mascot is an elephant, so I found the vintage Josef elephant at a flea market, and the childrens playing card too...the old block has a "C" for Christopher, and the glass is an old state glass from the state of Alabama, which has his city listed on the back (Tuscaloosa).
So tonight I will embrace the quiet, and get ready for the action packed adventure that is my son. And the herd of elephants he may be bringing with him. But first, I will go make him homemade hot fudge sauce...his favorite!