I've never been a morning person, my kids aren't either. Oh, we get up and go...to school and work and such...but when left to our own body rhythms, we would sleep all day and stay up late. Yesterday I got up at 6:00am to take Elizabeth to the airport...it took 2 alarms to get me out of bed. This morning I woke up at 6:15 all on my own.
When I came downstairs to make coffee, I was greeted by the first rays of the morning sun streaming through the sunroom windows...(you can see that I did read my magazines, and that Christopher sat out there with me, working on his laptop!)...
The snapdragons looked like they were glowing...all these great shades of pink on one stem...
Right now, while the house is quiet and the sun is shining, I have my coffee and my camera and you, I am thinking...maybe I could be a morning person after all!