Either my son has 9 lives, or someone is watching over him. He left Tuesday for a week long camping/hiking/biking/rafting trip in North Carolina. He and his friend Mitch planned the whole trip (they are both Eagle Scouts), and it was going to be a dirty sweaty testosterone boy adventure. Sleeping in tents, cooking over the fire, etc. I totally trusted him and the 3 other boys he went with.
Yesterday at 2:00 I got another one of those phone calls...
He was riding down a mountain on his bike, they were going fast (20 mph), and the safety latch on the front wheel of his bike jiggled loose...his front tire FELL OFF, and he was thrown from the bike and tumbled down the mountain like a rag doll.
His friend Zach called me, and I spoke to Christopher , who was conscious, but unable to move..."Mom, I'm really hurt, can you come get me..."
Elizabeth and I started the 3 hour drive to the town in North Carolina where the accident occurred, while the Park Rangers got him out on a stretcher and an ATV, then took him by ambulance to a hospital. Zach kept us updated, and we found our way to the hospital. He was still in the emergency room when we got there, strapped to a board with a neck brace, in extreme pain.
His has broken ribs, 3 damaged vertebrae, a concussion, 2 chipped teeth, and a million cuts and bruises...but he is alive, and it could have been FAR worse. I am grateful for that. I am taking him to another doctor in Atlanta tomorrow.
This is a picture of he and his girlfriend last week when I picked him up from college. You should see how broken my little boy is now...