I am 7 weeks behind on sharing my 52Q tags, so here goes!week 14: What was the last good book you read?
I used an illustration and words from an old children's "Dick and Jane" school book, with a little pom-pom and rick rack trim on the end...
This is just a bit of an old letter, vintage wallpaper, and rubber stamped "me"...
week 17: What is my superpower?
watercolor paint and Micron pen doodles...
week 18: What's on my to do list this week?
I really had to laugh at this one, because it fell on my ALL TIME busiest week of my life! I just wrote a list on a 3x5 index card (which is what I use to make all of my to do lists)and left it like that... My ridiculous busy week speaks for itself, and that is one week I am glad is over!
3 more tags tomorrow...