The other day I mentioned that I was a little bit lost without my usual decorate-by-numbers scheme I have been using in the dining room for the past 12 years. This past spring I changed the walls from red to linen white, the furniture went from cherry to various shades of chipping white, and the table went from rectangle to round. Everything is different, so I had to re-think my whole decorating plan. I was determined not to buy anything new, and be creative with stuff I already had. Every year I use this silver champagne bucket in the center of the table with poinsettias in it...(click here to see last year)
This year I wanted to change it up a bit, and so I thought...what would they do at Anthropologie? The answer was: use something ordinary and common, but use it in a way you would never expect. Sticking with the cream, pink and silver theme, I looked around the house to find something in those colors. I found what I needed in my knitting stash....
I stuck a silver tinsel tree in the center of the bowl, and wrapped it in a pale pink scarf that I knitted last winter. Then I placed various balls of pink and cream yarn on top of the scarf...
It's quirky, but I'm kinda loving it...not quite sure if it's a hit or a miss.
I'm using silver chargers with creamware plates and the napkin holders came from Anthropologie's after Christmas sale a few years ago. I did have to buy a new tablecloth because I didn't have a round one.
Little damask votive's from Michael's, 40% off last spring...
Here's the finished table...
and the sideboard...
I keep switching things around, but I am going to stop now...there's a 10 foot naked tree in the sunroom calling my name...