Willow Nest Farm. {sigh} Their website reads...
"Willow Nest is a pleasure for the senses; a combination of the romantic and the rustic, the practical and the frivolous. The juxtaposition of something old and primitive placed with something soft and pretty; that's our style -- the "Linda and Ludmil " style."
I love it! Here is one of the MANY inspirations I got from their booth in Texas...using books without covers. I loved the way they looked so aged and worn, yet very neutral and versatile...so shabby chic, or should I say rustic romantic! I couldn't wait to try this at home. Just take any old hard bound book...
This would be a great way to use thrift store/garage sale books with damaged or ugly covers. I used a knife to cut away the cover, and then peeled the backing off of the spine...don't peel it all off...you want that aged look...
Use an odd number of books for more visual appeal...
Tie them up with some ribbon, and add a chandelier crystal or a faded millinery flower, a vintage photo...you name it. This took all of 5 minutes to do, and I think it will look great in a bookcase, or on the mantel. Thanks Linda and Ludmil for your creative inspiration.