While hiking through the Bar-W field in Warrenton Texas, I passed a "booth", actually more like a couple of tents-a couple of tables-and piles of junk, and I was going to walk right past this booth, when the older woman inside said hello to me. I always stop when they say hello, it's rude not to. We started talking, and I started rummaging, and I came across a hat. The hat was navy blue straw, not very pretty, but it had this faded pink rose on it that I really liked, and the tag inside said "Myrtle of Houston"...a nice Texas souvenir I thought. No price tag, so I inquired...
Me: How much is this hat?
woman: (please read this with a DEEP southern accent) "Oh lord honey, that hat belonged to a good friend of mine I went to church with for 50 years...I bought it at her estate sale"
Me: I'm sorry to hear your friend passed away...
woman: Oh she didn't pass away...she was killed
Me: (speechless)...I looked at the woman, and then looked at the hat, and then looked back at the woman...
woman: Oh don't worry honey, she wasn't wearing that hat when it happened.
She wanted $1.00 for the hat, I gladly paid, and later that night in my hotel room I took the flower and the tag off the hat and threw the hat in the garbage. My sister said "why are you throwing the hat away?" I told her it might have witnessed a crime, and I didn't want any part of that.
Poor Myrtle.