We were lucky enough to go to 3 different flea markets on our trip last week. The first was just a little roadside farmers/flea market in West Virginia, where we bought the peaches. The other two were in my parents town in Pennsylvania. We found pink and green crochet doilies, a few milk glass vases, and loads of old bottles...
a pink rose apron, and doll skirt, rhinestone buttons and jewelry bits... Elizabeth found this pink and black poodle Bridge Score Pad...love it!
Bingo cards and plates, a chippy old kitchen utensil, and a free ball of string... :)
A stack of old sheet music (should have bought it all), and a bunch of old rulers...
More old linens, and a pile of tiny pastel spools of tatting thread...
Everything here was CHEAP...mostly 25 or 50 cents...nothing more than $1.00!
The most expensive thing I bought was a vintage pink tricycle with a cream colored seat for $5.00...I'll take a picture of it tomorrow, along with the rest of our finds!