One of my most prized possessions is my grandmothers sewing tin. It's just an ordinary metal tin...
...but I always feel so close to her when I open it up and look at the things inside. I got this tin from her house when she died 13 years ago, and have looked through it a million times. My other grandmothers sewing tin was very practical...lots of brown and black, things for mending and repairing work clothes. This tin was more about sewing for beauty and fashion. My grandmother had beautiful colors of seam binding and lace, pearl buttons and dressmaker details...
and unlike my other grandmother, this one traveled all over Europe, and she had needles from England, French and Italian thread...
stamps and coins from places like Zambia and Tanzania...
I look at the buckles and buttons and try to imagine the outfits they must have come from...
After all these years of looking at this tin over and over, the other day I found a surprise. There was a folded piece of paper that had a length of cream colored embroidery floss wound around it. I looked at it, and for the first time noticed that the paper looked like a piece of notebook paper. I unwound the floss, and started to get excited...I recognized the was a letter my grandfather had written to my grandmother...
He started it "Dear Honey". I was shaking as I read the grandfather died in 1969, when I was 8 years old. I felt like I had found hidden treasure that had been right in front of me all these years. I showed this to my mom when she was here. In the letter he wrote " I just wrote the baby"...he was referring to my mother. My grandfather worked for an oil company in Africa, and sent letters to us, and to my grandmother when she was home in the United States visiting. My grandmother had kept this all these years in her sewing tin wrapped with thread. Now her little sewing tin is a treasure chest...and it is least it is to me!