I'm headed to Nashville to spend the weekend with E... We're going to THIS flea market this afternoon, I'm so excited! The Nashville Flea Market is once a month and I never seem to be in town at the right time, so I have never been. I'm also excited because this will be the first time this year I have taken a trip to see her just for fun...all my other trips have been about doctors and hospitals and tests, so this will be a strictly FUN weekend! Tonight I am taking her (and a few of her friends) out to dinner, and tomorrow it's birthday shopping... she's found some new shops and a brand new CUPCAKE bakery has opened down the street. I also helping her pack up some of her things, because next week is finals, and then next weekend she moves back home for the summer! Another school year has flown by and I can't wait to have her back home for a few months!
The picture above is a project of mine...I bought the frame at Goodwill for $1.81...I've had it sitting around for a while. I decided to leave it as is (chippy and black), and had a piece of glass cut for it. I had a piece of mat board cut to size as well (super cheap), and then mounted 4 of my old postcards with black photo corners. I didn't want to glue them down, because the backs are neat, and you never know if I might want to redo this. The postcards all happen to be birthday cards, but I was just picking ones that looked nice together and had pink roses. I hung this between the windows in the dining room, and only put 1 nail hole in the wall :)
OK...so I'm off...it's a 4 hour drive, and I'm taking my camera, so hopefully I will have some fun things to show you on Monday! Have a great weekend!