The nest with blue eggs belongs to ...Angela McRae!
The nest with pink eggs belongs to...Heidi Woodruff!
I've sent you two an email , and will get your nests in the mail!
You were all so sweet with your comments, that I wish I had enough nests to give you all one! I appreciate every one of you for taking the time to stop by and read my blog and leave such thoughtful make my day-EVERY day!
The dining room is painted, but bare...I'm really kind of liking it...I hope to enlist some boys to help me move things this weekend...all it will require is a pan of brownies, and I'll have all the help I can use!
Elizabeth is coming home from Nashville today, her Spring Break is next week...she is flying to Florida on Monday to spend 5 days with my parents. I am sending her with my old camera, and asked her to "guest blog" when she gets back. We will see how a 20 year old spends Spring Break...hopefully the only "girls gone wild" she will have is with my mom and her credit card at the mall!