Would you go to the prom with this boy?
Heck, I know I would.
Prom was one of the MANY topics we covered while on our 11 hour college visit trip together on Thursday. He and I alone in the car for 7 hours. Lunch and dinner together. Touring the campus. You don't get that much time one-on-one with a 17 year old very often. I used my time wisely to interrogate talk to him about just about everything.
When he was much younger (elementary school), and I needed to really talk to him, I would take him somewhere to eat after school. We usually went to Dairy Queen, and as he sat there across from me, eating a large chocolate extreme/mud pie Blizzard, in a don't-tell-your-sister-we-came-without-her secret way, he would talk. He would be so excited, eating a treat 2 hours before dinner, that he would tell me anything and everything.
It still works.
Sitting across the table from him at a Cracker Barrel eating lunch, watching him eat 3 orders of Chicken and Dumplings (yes he ate it all), we talked about school and college, leaving home, friends that were making bad decisions, why he wasn't going to make bad decisions (I will kill him), girls and prom.
It seems that everyone has been in a frenzy to ask dates to Prom, which is in March. It also is the trend to ask a girl in a clever way. Some boys wrote PROM across their chest and showed up on a girls doorstep without a shirt on. One boy asked on the morning announcements at school. I suggested making a cupcake and writing PROM on it with frosting. He didn't like that one, but he did want to make her something, so that it would be different from anyone else. After much thought he/we came up with this...
He decided to make her a bracelet.
How much do I love him?
Friday after school we got out my meager jewelry making supplies...
and he made the bracelet himself. I showed him how to pinch the crimper-things (a technical term) with pliers and attach the clasp, and he picked out the beads and made it. He wrapped it up and gave it to her on Friday night at the High School basketball game. He was very proud of himself, and she loved it, and wore it, and showed all her friends. And oh...
she said YES!