I took a break from decorating and made something!
For years I have been wanting to make one of those trees, or ornaments, that you stick pins into with sequins or beads...but I never have the time, or patience to do it.
Last night I had this idea for a Christmas tree, so I went to Michael's and bought a Styrofoam cone shape, and wrapped it with a piece of pink tissue paper.
Then I just stuck these pins into the foam, starting at the bottom, and working up. It only took about 15 minutes!
I've been collecting these vintage enamel flower pins for years, and usually just display them on a creamware platter in the family room.
For the top I stuck a little bird on with a toothpick, and painted it pink and added glitter.
That's it! And pretty darn cute I think! Now I want to make one with all my vintage rhinestone pins! Imagine the possibilities!