I've been gone a few days-moved my daughter back to school-a JUNIOR in college-where does the time go? She did a great job packing this year-she tried to be concise, efficient-we'll get it just right in time for her to graduate! As she was packing she gathered a few things that would remind her of home. She fit everything in a vintage metal biscuit tin. I didn't see what she put in it until I was helping her unpack...
a vintage tin, a china cup with a pink rose on it, a tiny lady head vase(with pearl earrings) 2 vintage hankies, enamel pins, a turquoise purse, a pink spaghetti poodle, and a a little wooden number 4 with angels on it.
everything was so sweet, and this is what she picked to remind her of home, to remind her of me. What reminds you of home? or your parents/childhood home? What would you pick to be a visual representation of someone, or someplace special...This has me thinking of my grandmothers house-I want to capture the feeling before I forget it-I feel an art project coming on...oh yes, and she also packed these...
Aprons! Just what you need in a TINY little college dorm! Ahh-pieces of home! I miss you already baby! xoxo mom